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Calendar Event Type Updated Element


A type of scheduled or unscheduled calendar event.

Option Set
Emergency dayEmergency day is specified as the type of scheduled or unscheduled calendar event.EmergencyDay
HolidayHoliday is specified as the type of scheduled or unscheduled calendar event.Holiday
Instructional dayInstructional day is specified as the type of scheduled or unscheduled calendar event.InstructionalDay
OtherOther is specified as the type of scheduled or unscheduled calendar event.Other
StrikeStrike is specified as the type of scheduled or unscheduled calendar event.Strike
Student late arrival/early dismissalStudent late arrival/early dismissal is specified as the type of scheduled or unscheduled calendar event.LateArrivalEarlyDismissal
Teacher only dayTeacher only day is specified as the type of scheduled or unscheduled calendar event.TeacherOnlyDay
Related Domains, Entities and Categories

K12 -> Calendar -> Event (Data Model ID = 33067) 

Related Topics

Early Learning -> Program Quality 

Global ID


Term ID


Element Technical Name



Add option for Instructional day and change definitions to "calendar event" instead of "event that causes interruption in direct instruction"

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Common Education Data Standards