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School Level


An indication of the level of the education institution.

Option Set
AdultAdult is an education level that the education institution serves.00013
All levelsThe institution serves all levels.01302
ElementaryElementary is an education level that the education institution serves.01304
High schoolHigh school is an education level that the education institution serves.02402
Infant/toddlerInfant/toddler is an education level that the education institution serves.00787
IntermediateIntermediate is an education level that the education institution serves.02399
Junior high schoolJunior high school is an education level that the education institution serves.02602
MiddleMiddle is an education level that the education institution serves.02400
Pre-kindergarten/early childhoodPre-kindergarten/early childhood is an education level that the education institution serves.01981
PrimaryPrimary is an education level that the education institution serves.02397
SecondarySecondary is an education level that the education institution serves.02403
Joint secondary and postsecondaryJoint secondary and postsecondary is an education level that the education institution serves.73066
Related Domains, Entities and Categories

K12 -> K12 School -> Directory (Data Model ID = 37845) 

Related Topics

Early Learning -> Program Quality 

Global ID


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Common Education Data Standards