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Work-based Learning Opportunity Type


The type of work-based learning opportunity a student participated in.

Option Set
ApprenticeshipApprenticeship is the type of work-based learning opportunity the student participated in.Apprenticeship
Clinical work experienceClinical work experience is the type of work-based learning opportunity the student participated in.ClinicalWork
Cooperative educationCooperative education is the type of work-based learning opportunity the student participated in.CooperativeEducation
Job shadowingJob shadowing is the type of work-based learning opportunity the student participated in.JobShadowing
MentorshipMentorship is the type of work-based learning opportunity the student participated in.Mentorship
Non-Paid InternshipNon-Paid Internship is the type of work-based learning opportunity the student participated in.NonPaidInternship
On-the-JobOn-the-Job is the type of work-based learning opportunity the student participated in.OnTheJob
Paid internshipPaid internship is the type of work-based learning opportunity the student participated in.PaidInternship
Service learningService learning is the type of work-based learning opportunity the student participated in.ServiceLearning
Supervised agricultural experienceSupervised agricultural experience is the type of work-based learning opportunity the student participated in.SupervisedAgricultural
Unpaid internshipUnpaid internship is the type of work-based learning opportunity the student participated in.UnpaidInternship
OtherThe type of work-based learning opportunity the student participated in is in a category not yet defined in CEDS.Other
Related Domains, Entities and Categories

Adult Education -> Course Section (Data Model ID = 41636) 
Career and Technical -> Course Section (Data Model ID = 41538) 
Career and Technical -> CTE Student -> Program Participation (Data Model ID = 40454) 
K12 -> K12 Course (Data Model ID = 40456) 
K12 -> K12 Student -> Program (Data Model ID = 40455) 
Postsecondary -> Course Section (Data Model ID = 41033) 
Postsecondary -> PS Student -> Program Participation (Data Model ID = 40453) 

Related Topics

Early Learning -> Program Quality 

Global ID


Term ID


Element Technical Name


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Common Education Data Standards