Analysis recommendation
See page 11 of the 2018 full report that describes how z scores were calculated for each area.
Child and Parent Information Risk and Reach
The MN Risk and Reach Report was developed using information available in federal reporting. For the purposes of starting from a state's own data system, the elements listed under Child and Parent Information are used as the initial cohort for the risk and reach calculations. Begin with the type of program and program participation dates. That will then provide a list of children and their parents' information.
Economic Risks
The elements defined above for Economic Risks are used to calculate the following risks:
- Birth to mothers with less than a high school degree
- Children under age 6 with no parent in the labor force
- Children under age 6 living in poverty.
To determine how to perform the calculations, see Economic Risks in the MN Risk and Reach Report (URL in Related References below).
Maternal education is one of the strongest predictors of disparities in child health, behavioral, and cognitive outcomes in the first two years of life. Children of mothers with more education are more likely to be up to date on their immunizations, and greater maternal education is associated with lower infant mortality. Mothers with less than a high school degree often experience financial strain, which can affect their mental health, level of stress, and parenting quality. In order to determine a mother's education level the following combination of data elements and their option set code can be used: Person Relation Type (Mother), Highest Level of Education Completed, and Highest Level of Education Completed Date.
Health Risks
The elements defined above for Health Risks are used to calculate the following risks:
1. Teen birth rate
2. Inadequate prenatal care
3. Low weight birth
4. Infant mortality - use the exit reason data element option Died or is permanently incapaticitated (option code <a "="" href="" tabindex="30005" style="background-color: rgb(244, 238, 249); padding: 0px; margin: 0px; color: rgb(21, 0, 255);">01923)
5. Children under the age of 6 without health insurance
6. Lack of immunizations
To determine how to perform the calculations, see Health Risks in the MN Risk and Reach Report (URL in Related References below). To determine mother's age at birth and level of education at birth - calculate off of mother and child's date of birth and date of graduation.
Reach Indicators - Health
The elements defined above for Health reach indicators are used to calculate the following items:
1. Enrollment in SNAP.WIC
2. Enrollment in Home Visiting
To determine how to perform the calculations, see Health Reach Indicators in the MN Risk and Reach Report (URL in Related References below).
Reach Indicators - Economic
The elements defined above for Economic reach indicators are used to calculate the following items:
1. Minnesota Family Investment Program (TANF) (under source of family income)
2. Child Care Assistance Program
3. Minnesota Health Care Programs - treatment for mental health under early learning services type/mental health
To determine how to perform the calculations, see Economic Reach indicators in the MN Risk and Reach Report (URL in Related References below).
Reach Indicators - Education
The elements defined above for Education reach indicators are used to calculate the following items:
1. Early Childhood Screening
2. Early Head Start and Head Start enrollment
3. Early Childhood Special Education (including Early Intervention)
To determine how to perform the calculations, see Education Reach indicators in the MN Risk and Reach Report (URL in Related References below).
Family Stability Risk Indicator
The elements defined above for Family Stability risk indicators are used to calculate the following items:
1. Child maltreatment and foster care placement.
2. Child mobility. In the Minnesota report this is calculated from the American Community Survey but one could also use child mobility as reported to the school.