General Connection Information-
CEDS elements are shown in bold/italicized font. This metric is part of the Education-to-Workforce (E-W) Indicator Framework, specifically "Outcomes and milestones" which pertain to key outcomes and milestones along the E-W continuum that are strongly associated with individuals achieving economic mobility and security. This metric is a measurement for a key indicator, "8th Grade On Track," and measures whether students in grade 8 are prepared to transition to high school and are on track to graduate on time. Calculating a Response-
Metric: Percentage of students in grade 8 with a GPA of 2.5 or higher, no Ds or Fs in English language arts or math, attendance of 96 percent or higher, and no in- or out-of-school suspensions or explusions. Use the following CEDS elements to determine the school years for which the data will be measured: - School Year = most recent school year,representing July 1 through June 30
Use the following CEDS elements to determine the universe of students: - Pull all unique students which is determined by using a unique Student Identifier where Student Identification System = State
- Where the student:
- is associated with a State Education Agency through the State Agency Identifier where State Agency Identification System = SEA
- is associated with a Local Education Agency through the Local Education Agency Identifier where Local Education Agency Identification System = SEA
- is associated with a K12 school through the School Identifier where School Identification System = SEA
From the universe of students, narrow the list to 8th graders using the following CEDS elements. - Entry Grade Level = 08, and
- Enrollment Entry Date is > July 1 of the school being reported, and
- Enrollment Exit Date is < June 30 of the school year being reported.
Count the number of students that have a grade point average of 2.5 or higher: - Filter records where Grade Point Average Given Session = 2.5 or higher
Count the number of students that have a grade point average of less than 2.5: - Filter records where Grade Point Average Given Session < 2.5
Identify which students have passing grades in Math: - Filter records where School Courses for the Exchange of Data Course Subject Area = 02 (Mathematics) and
- Student Course Section Grade Earned is not null
- Grade Value Qualifier can be A, B, or C
Identify which students who have passing grades in reading/English language arts: - Filter records where School Courses for the Exchange of Data Course Subject Area = 01 (English Language and Literature)
- Student Course Section Grade Earned is not null
- Grade Value Qualifier can be A, B, or C
Identify which students have an attendance record of 96% or higher: - Student Attendance Rate = .96 or higher
- Chronic Student Absenteeism Indicator = No
Identify which students have no records of either in/out of school suspensions or expulsions: - Filter records where Disciplinary Action Taken is not = Expulsion with services
- Filter records where Disciplinary Action Taken is not = Expulsion without services
- Filter records where Disciplinary Action Taken is not = Suspension after school
- Filter records where Disciplinary Action Taken is not = Suspension, in-school
- Filter records where Disciplinary Action Taken is not = Suspension, out of school, greater than 10 consecutive school days
- Filter records where Disciplinary Action Taken is not = Suspension, out of school, separate days cumulating to more than 10 school days
- Filter records where Disciplinary Action Taken is not = Suspension, out-of-school, without services
- Filter records where Disciplinary Action Taken is not = Suspension, out-of-school, with services
Divide the number of students with a GPA of 2.5 or higher by the total number of students. Multiply the results by 100. Divide the number of students with a GPA of less than 2.5 by the total number of students. Multiply results by 100. Disaggregate by Home Language -
Use the following CEDS elements to disaggregate the final set of students by Home Language: - Language Type = Home Language, and
- ISO-639-3 Language Code ≠ eng (English)
- English Learner Status = Yes
Disaggregate by Homelessness-
Use the following CEDS elements to disaggregate the final set of students by Homelessness: - Homelessness Status = Yes
- Status Start Date < the school year being reported
- Status End Date > the school year being reported or null
Disaggregate by Race and Ethnicity-
Use the following CEDS elements to disaggregate the final set of students by Race: - Filter records where Hispanic or Latino Ethnicity = No
- Count, by race, where any of the following are true:
- Race = American Indian Or Alaska Native - Race = Asian - Race = Black or African American - Race = Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander - Race = White - Race = Demographic Race Two or More Races - Race = Race and Ethnicity Unknown
Use the following CEDS elements to disaggregate the final set of students by Hispanic or Latino Ethnicity: - Filter records where Hispanic or Latino Ethnicity = Yes
Disaggregate by Sex-
*NOTE: CEDS does not have a Gender element. While Sex is not a proxy for Gender, it is the closet approximation currently available. *NOTE: Male + Female will not always equal 100% for states that have more choices beyond male and female. Use the following CEDS element to disaggregate the final set of students by Sex: - Sex = Male, Female, Not Selected
Disaggregate by Disability Status-
Use the following CEDS elements to disaggregate the final set of students by Disability Status: A. Determine if there is a disability Student with a Disability: A student has a disability if any of the following are true: - Disability Status = Yes, and/or
- Status Start Date < the school year being reported, and
- Status End Date > the school year being reported or null
- IDEA Indicator = Yes, and/or
- Program Participation Start Date < the school year being reported, and
- Program Participation End Date > the school year being reported or is Null
- Section 504 Status* = Yes,
- Status Start Date < the school year being reported, and
- Status End Date > the school year being reported or null
*Section 504 Status may not apply if your state doesn't collect it. Student without a Disability: A student does not have a disability if all of the following are true: - Disability Status = No; and
- Primary Disability Type is null; and
- IDEA Indicator = No; and
- Section 504 Status = No.
B. Count the number of students with a disability and the number of students without a disability. C. For further analysis, disaggregate the students with a disability. - Filter records where IDEA Indicator = Yes
- Program Participation Start Date < the school year being reported, and
- Program Participation Exit Date > the school year being reported
- Count, by Primary Disability Type, where any of the following are true:
- Primary Disability Type = Autism
- Primary Disability Type = Deaf blindness
- Primary Disability Type = Deafness
- Primary Disability Type = Developmental delay
- Primary Disability Type = Emotional disturbance
- Primary Disability Type = Hearing impairment
- Primary Disability Type = Intellectual disability
- Primary Disability Type = Multiple disabilities
- Primary Disability Type = Orthopedic impairment
- Primary Disability Type = Other health impairment
- Primary Disability Type = Specific learning disability
- Primary Disability Type =Traumatic brain injury
- Primary Disability Type = Visual impairment
Disaggregate by Urbanicity-
Use the following CEDS elements to disaggregate the final set of students by Urbanicity: - Rural Residency Status = Yes (indicating Rural) or No (indicating Urban)
Disaggregate by Parental Education Level-
Use the following CEDS element to disaggregate the final set of students by Parental Education Level: - Highest Level of Education Completed = Determine what the highest level of education completed is for the parents/guardians of the student
Disaggregate by Migrant Family Household-
Use the following CEDS elements to disaggregate the final set of students by Migrant Family Household: - Migrant Status = Yes
- Program Participation Start Date < the school year being reported
- Program Participation Exit Date > the school year being reported or is null
Disaggregate by English Learner-
Use the following CEDS elements to disaggregate the final set of students by English Learner: - English Learner Status = Yes
- Program Participation Start Date < the school year being reported
- Program Participation Exit Date > the school year being reported or is null
Disaggregate by School Type-
Use the following CEDS element to disaggregate the final set of students by School Type: - Charter School Type = School Charter, College/University Charter, Not a Charter School
- School Type = Regular, Special, Career and Technical Education School, Alternative Education School, Reportable Program
- Administrative Funding Control = Public School, Private School, or Other
- Organization Type = K12 School, Education Institution
Disaggregate by Individuals or Family Military Status-
Use the following CEDS element to disaggregate the final set of students by Individuals or Family Military Status: - Military Connected Student Indicator = Not Military, Active Duty, National Guard or Reserve, Unknown
Disaggregate by Income Level-
Use the following CEDS element to disaggregate the final set of students by Income Level: - Eligibility Status for School Food Service Programs = Free, Full Price, Reduced Price, Other
- Low-income Status = Yes or No
Disaggregate by Individual with Current or Past Child Welfare Involvement -
Use the following CEDS elements to disaggregate the final set of students by Individuals with Current or Past Child Welfare Involvement: - Program Type = 75000 (Foster Care)
- Student Support Service Type = 00295 (Children's protective services)
- Program Participation Start Date < the school year being reported
- Program Participation Exit Date > the school year being reported
Disaggregate by Justice Involvement-
Use the following CEDS element to disaggregate the final set of students by Justice Involvement: - Disciplinary Action Taken = 03088 (Juvenile justice referral), 03089 (Law enforcement referral), 75000 (Placed in juvenile detention center)
- Disciplinary Action Start Date < the school year being reported
- Disciplinary Action End Date > the school year being reported or is null