General Connection Information-
CEDS elements are shown in bold/italicized font. This metric is part of the Education-to-Workforce (E-W) Indicator Framework, specifically "Outcomes and milestones" which pertain to key outcomes and milestones along the E-W continuum that are strongly associated with individuals achieving economic mobility and security. This metric is a measurement for a key indicator, "First-year program of study concentration," and measures whether students who are first-year college students have attempted or completed a sufficient amount of credits toward on-time completion in their first year. are those included in IHEP's Postsecondary Metrics framework: education; arts and humanities; social and behavioral sciences and human services; science, technology, engineering, and math; business and communications; health; trades. (NOTE: states may have different definitions for meta-major. Use whatever definition is applicable to your state and adjust the criteria for calculating a response as needed.) Calculating a Response-
Use the following CEDS elements to determine the school years for which the data will be measured: Academic Year Designator = 2023 and Academic Term Designator = Summer, and/or - Academic Year Designator = 2024 and Academic Term Designator = Fall, Spring, Summer
Use the following CEDS elements to determine the universe of students: Pull all unique students which is determined by using a unique Student Identifier where Student Identification System = State, and Where the student is associated with a postsecondary institution through the Office of Postsecondary Education Identifier, and Entry Date into Postsecondary is within the Academic Year being reported.
From the universe of students, narrow the list to first-year college students using the following CEDS elements:
First Time Postsecondary Student = Yes, and Enrollment Entry Date is >July 1 of the school being reported, and Enrollment Exit Date is < June 30 of the school year being reported.
Identify which students are full-time or part-time: Filter records where Postsecondary Enrollment Status = Full-time, or Less than full-time but at least half-time.
Identify which students have completed at least 9 credits within a meta-major: Number of Credits Earned = 9 Credits Earned Cumulative = 9 se Level Type = College Level Course Credit Basis Type = Credit associated with the student's major
Divide the number of students who are completing at least 9 credits by the total number of first-year students. Multiply by 100. Disaggregate by Home Language-
Use the following CEDS element(s) to disaggregate the final set of students by home language: - Language Type = Home Language, and
- ISO 639-3 Language Code <> English, and/or
- English Learner Status = Yes
Disaggregate by Race and Ethnicity-
Use the following CEDS element(s) to disaggregate the final set of students by race: Filter records where Hispanic or Latino Ethnicity = No. Count, by race, where any of the following are true: Race = American Indian or Alaska Native Race = Asian Race = Black or African American Race = Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander Race = White Race = Demographic Race Two or More Races Race = Race and Ethnicity Unknown
Use the following CEDS element(s) to disaggregate the final set of students by Hispanic or Latino Ethnicity: - Filter records where Hispanic or Latino Ethnicity = Yes
Disaggregate by Disability Status-
Use the following CEDS element(s) to disaggregate the final set of students by disability status: Students with a Disability Disability Status = Yes, No; and Status Start Date <Enrollment Entry Date Status End Date is null or > Enrollment Exit Date Section 504 Status = Yes, No Status Start Date <Enrollment Entry Date Status End Date is null or > Enrollment Exit Date
Disaggregate by Urbanicity-
Use the following CEDS element(s) to disaggregate the final set of students by Urbanicity: *NOTE: Urbanicity is meant to identifythe school's location, not the student's residence. However, If the student is remote, then this would be the student's location. - Locale =
City – Large City – Midsize City – Small Suburban – Large Suburban – Midsize Suburban – Small Town – Fringe Town – Distant Town – Remote Rural – Fringe Rural – Distant Rural - Remote
Disaggregate by Parental Education Level-
Use the following CEDS element(s) to disaggregate the final set of students by parental education level: Completed = (select the option that best fits the parent/guardian's education level)
Disaggregate by English Learner-
Use the following CEDS element(s) to disaggregate the final set of students by English Learner status: English Learner Status = Yes, No Program Participation Start Date < the school year being reported Program Participation Exit Date > the school year being reported
Disaggregate by Attendance Intensity-
Use the following CEDS element(s) to disaggregate the final set of students by attendance intensity: Postsecondary Enrollment Status = Full time, Less than full-time but at least half-time
Disaggregate by Age Group-
Use the following CEDS element(s) to disaggregate the final set of students by age group: Birthdate = the enrollment date of the school year being reported
Disaggregate by Income Level-
Use the following CEDS element(s) to disaggregate the final set of students by income level: Low-income status = Yes or No
Disaggregate by Individuals or Family Military Status-
Use the following CEDS element(s) to disaggregate the final set of students by individuals or family military status: Military Connected Student Indicator = Not Military, Active Duty, National Guard or Reserve, or Unknown
Disaggregate by Individual with Current or Past Child Welfare Involvement-
Use the following CEDS element(s) to disaggregate the final set of students by individual with current or past child welfare involvement: Program Type = 75000 (Foster Care) Student Support Service Type = 00295 (Children's protective services) Program Participation Start Date < the school year being reported Program Participation Exit Date >the school year being reported
Disaggregate by Justice Involvement-
Use the following CEDS element(s) to disaggregate the final set of students by justice involvement: Disciplinary Action Taken03088 (Juvenile justice referral), 03089 (Law Enforcement Referral), 75000 (Placed in juvenile detention center) Disciplinary Action Start Date <the school year being reported Disciplinary Action End Date > the school year being reported
Disaggregate by Postsecondary Institution Classification-
Use the following CEDS element(s) to disaggregate by postsecondary institution classification: Control of Institution = Public; Private, not for profit; or Private, for profit Level of Institution = FourYear, Two to Four, or Less thanTwo
Disaggregate by Transfer Enrollment Status-
Use the following CEDS element(s) to disaggregate the final set of students by transfer enrollment status: Postsecondary Enrollment Type = Transfer In
Disaggregate by Postsecondary Major-
Use the following CEDS element(s) to disaggregate the final set of students by postsecondary major: Postsecondary Program Level = Major Classification of Instructional Program Code = the CIP code assigned to the program or course.
Disaggregate by Homelessness-
Use the following CEDS element(s) to disaggregate the final set of students by homelessness: Homelessness Status = Yes, No Status Start Date <the school year being reported Status End Date > the school year being reported
Disaggregate by Sex-
*Note: CEDS does not have a Gender element. While Sex is not a proxy for Gender it is the closest approximation currently available. *Note: Male + Female will not always equal 100% for states that have more choices beyond male and female. Use the following CEDS element(s) to disaggregate the final set of students by Sex: Sex = Male, Female, or Not Selected
Disaggregate by Credential-seeking Status-
Use the following CEDS element(s) to disaggregate the final set of students by credential-seeking status: Degree or Certificate Seeking Student = Yes, No
Disaggregate by First Generation College Student-
Use the following CEDS element(s) to disaggregate the final set of students by first generation college student: - First Generation College Student = Yes, No, Unknown