General Connection Information-
CEDS Elements are shown in bold/italicized font. This metric is part of the Education-to-Workforce (E-W) Indicator Framework, specifically "Outcomes and Milestones" which pertain to key outcomes and milestones along the E-W Continuum strongly associated with individuals achieving economic mobility and security. This metric is a measurement for a key indicator, "Enrollment in graduate education," which defines students enrolling in a graduate education program after completing an undergraduate degree.
Calculating a Response -
Use the following CEDS elements to determine the academic year for which the data are being reported: - Academic Year Designator representing July 1 through June 30
- Academic Term Designator is within the academic year being reported
Use the following CEDS elements to determine the number of students that received a bachelor's degree:
- Pull all unique students which is determined by using a unique Student Identifier where Student Identification System = State
- Where the student:
- is associated with a postsecondary school through the Office of Postsecondary Education Identifier, and where
- Academic Award Date is within the academic year being reported. Note that data should look forward at least five years for this metric.
- Example: if you are looking at bachelor degree recipients for 2019-20, you will look for graduate program enrollment in 2020-21 through 2024-25.
- Academic Award Level conferred = 05 (Bachelor's degree)
- Student Level = Graduate
- From the students who received a bachelor's degree, pull students who enrolled in a post-baccalaureate or graduate program within one to five years of completion using the following CEDS elements:
- Enrollment in Postsecondary Award Type =
- 06 (Postbaccalaureate Certificate) and/or,
- 07 (Master's Degree), and/or
- 17 (Doctor's Degree-Research/Scholarship)
- 18 (Doctor's Degree-Professional Practice)
- 19 (Doctor's Degree-Other)
- Enrollment Entry Type is 1 to 5 years after the Academic Award Date
- Example: if you are looking at bachelor degree recipients from 2019-20, you will look for graduate program enrollment in 2020-21 through 2024-25.
- Enrollment Exit Date is null or > Enrollment Entry Date
- To calculate the percentage of bachelor's degree recipients who enrolled in a post-baccalaureate or graduate program within one to five years of completion:
- Count the number of bachelor's degree recipients awarded during the academic year being reported.
- Count the number of students enrolled in a post-baccalaureate or graduate program within 1-5 years after award.
- Divide the total number of students enrolled in a post-baccalaureate or graduate program within 1-5 years by the total number of bachelor's degree recipients, and multiply by 100.
Disaggregate by Home Language-
Use the following CEDS element(s) to disaggregate the final set of students by home language: - Language Type = Home Language, and
- ISO 639-3 Language Code ≠ English, and/or
- English Learner Status = Yes
Disaggregate by Race and Ethnicity-
Use the following CEDS element(s) to disaggregate the final set of students by race: Filter records where Hispanic or Latino Ethnicity = No. Count, by race, where any of the following are true: Race = American Indian or Alaska Native Race = Asian Race = Black or African American Race = Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander Race = White Race = Demographic Race Two or More Races Race = Race and Ethnicity Unknown
Use the following CEDS element(s) to disaggregate the final set of students by Hispanic or Latino Ethnicity: - Filter records where Hispanic or Latino Ethnicity = Yes
Disaggregate by Disability Status-
Use the following CEDS element(s) to disaggregate the final set of students by disability status: Students with a Disability Disability Status = Yes, No; and Status Start Date ≤ Enrollment Entry Date Status End Date is null or ≥ Enrollment Exit Date Section 504 Status = Yes, No Status Start Date ≤ Enrollment Entry Date Status End Date is null or ≥ Enrollment Exit Date
Disaggregate by Urbanicity-
Use the following CEDS element(s) to disaggregate the final set of students by Urbanicity: *NOTE: Urbanicity is meant to identifythe school’s location, not the student’s residence. However, If the student is remote, then this would be the student’s location. - Locale =
City – Large City – Midsize City – Small Suburban – Large Suburban – Midsize Suburban – Small Town – Fringe Town – Distant Town – Remote Rural – Fringe Rural – Distant Rural - Remote
Disaggregate by Parental Education Level-
Use the following CEDS element(s) to disaggregate the final set of students by parental education level: Completed = (select the option that best fits the parent/guardian’s education level)
Disaggregate by English Learner-
Use the following CEDS element(s) to disaggregate the final set of students by English Learner status: English Learner Status = Yes, No Program Participation Start Date ≤ the school year being reported Program Participation Exit Date ≥ the school year being reported
Disaggregate by Attendance Intensity-
Use the following CEDS element(s) to disaggregate the final set of students by attendance intensity: Postsecondary Enrollment Status = Full time, Less than full-time but at least half-time
Disaggregate by Age Group-
Use the following CEDS element(s) to disaggregate the final set of students byage group: Birthdate = the enrollment date of the school year being reported
Disaggregate by Income Level-
Use the following CEDS element(s) to disaggregate the final set of students by income level: Low-income status = Yes or No
Disaggregate by Individuals or Family Military Status-
Use the following CEDS element(s) to disaggregate the final set of students by individuals or family military status: Military Connected Student Indicator = Not Military, Active Duty, National Guard or Reserve, or Unknown
Disaggregate by Individual with Current or Past Child Welfare Involvement-
Use the following CEDS element(s) to disaggregate the final set of students by individual with current or past child welfare involvement: Program Type = 75000 (Foster Care) Student Support Service Type = 00295 (Children's protective services) Program Participation Start Date ≤ the school year being reported Program Participation Exit Date ≥ the school year being reported
Disaggregate by Justice Involvement-
Use the following CEDS element(s) to disaggregate the final set of students by justice involvement: Disciplinary Action Taken03088 (Juvenile justice referral), 03089 (Law Enforcement Referral), 75000 (Placed in juvenile detention center) Disciplinary Action Start Date ≤ the school year being reported Disciplinary Action End Date ≥ the school year being reported
Disaggregate by Postsecondary Institution Classification-
Use the following CEDS element(s) to disaggregate by postsecondary institution classification: Control of Institution = Public; Private, not for profit; or Private, for profit Level of Institution = FourYear, Two to Four, or Less thanTwo
Disaggregate by Transfer Enrollment Status-
Use the following CEDS element(s) to disaggregate the final set of students by transfer enrollment status: Postsecondary Enrollment Type = Transfer In
Disaggregate by Postsecondary Major-
Use the following CEDS element(s) to disaggregate the final set of students by postsecondary major: Postsecondary Program Level = Major Classification of Instructional Program Code = the CIP code assigned to the program or course (at the time of graduation).
Disaggregate by Homelessness-
Use the following CEDS element(s) to disaggregate the final set of studentsby homelessness: Homelessness Status = Yes, No Status Start Date ≤ the school year being reported Status End Date > the school year being reported
Disaggregate by Sex-
*Note: CEDS does not have a Gender element. While Sex is not a proxy for Gender it is the closest approximation currently available. *Note: Male + Female will not always equal 100% for states that have more choices beyond male and female. Use the following CEDS element(s) to disaggregate the final set of students by Sex: Sex = Male, Female, or Not Selected
Disaggregate by Credential-seeking Status-
Use the following CEDS element(s) to disaggregate the final set of students bycredential-seeking status: Degree or Certificate Seeking Student = Yes, No
Disaggregate by First Generation College Student-
Use the following CEDS element(s) to disaggregate the final set of students bydislocated worker status: First Generation College Student = Yes, No, Unknown