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CEDS Connect

Connection Title: Postsecondary certificate or degree completion: Percentage of students completing a certificate, associate’s, or bachelor’s degree within 150 percent of the program's intended length.
Selected Descriptors:
    Curriculum Organization->Curriculum
    Educational Levels, Degrees, and Organizations->Postsecondary Education
    Education-to-Workforce (E-W) Indicator Framework ->EQ16: Matriculation to well-matched and successful postsecondary institutions
    Education-to-Workforce (E-W) Indicator Framework ->EQ19: Acquiring credentials of value for workforce success

Author: Education-to-Workforce Framework Collaborators Group

Location: Other Organization

Source for CEDS Connection Information: Education-to-Workforce Indicator Framework (


Description of CEDS Connection:

This Connection identifies the CEDS elements needed to measure the percentage of students completing a certificate, associate’s, or bachelor’s degree within 150 percent of the program's intended length. Other time frames, such as 100 percent and 200 percent of program length, should also be reported for this measure and includes the recommended analysis criteria. This Connection supports the Education-to-Workforce Indicator Framework.??

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Last Modified: 10/16/2024 Status: Shared with All
Common Education Data Standards