General Connection Information
CEDS elements are shown in bold/italicized font.
This metric is part of the Education-to-Workforce (E-W) Indicator Framework, specifically "Outcomes and milestones" which pertain to key outcomes and milestones along the E-W continuum that are strongly associated with individuals achieving economic mobility and security.
This metric is a measurement for a key indicator, "Developmental Progress: Cognition," and measures whether children develop and demonstrate progress toward foundational math and scientific reasoning skills.
Calculating a Response
Metric: Percentage of children meeting benchmarks on direct child assessments, such as:
- Woodcock-Johnson IV Tests of Early Cognition and Academic Development (ECAD) Number Sense subtest
- Individual Growth and Development (IGDIs) Early Numeracy assessment
- Research Based Early Mathematics Assessment (REMA)
Use the following CEDS elements to determine the year for which the data will be measured:
1. Early Learning Program Year = most recent early learning program year,representing July 1 through June 30
Use the following CEDS elements to determine the universe of children:
1. Pull all unique children which is determined by using a unique Child Identifier where Child Identification System = State
2. Where the child:
- is associated with a State Education Agency through the State Agency Identifier where State Agency Identification System = State
- is associated with a Local Education Agency through the Local Education Agency Identifier where Local Education Agency Identification System = SEA
- is associated with a K12 school through the School Identifier where School Identification System = SEA (or) is associated with an organization through the Organization Identifier where Organization Identification System = Other. (If your state's early learning systems are not associated with public schools, use Organization Identifier.)
From the universe of children, narrow the list to identify which children are meeting benchmarks on direct child assessments using the following CEDS elements:
1. Assessment Identifier or Assessment Short Name =
- Woodcock-Johnson IV Tests of Early Cognition and Academic Development (ECAD) Number Sense subtest
- Individual Growth and Development (IGDIs) Early Numeracy assessment
- Research Based Early Mathematics Assessment (REMA)
2. Assessment Administration Finish Date is within the Early Learning Program Year
3. Assessment Early Learning Developmental Domain = Cognition and General Knowledge (02)
4. Assessment Type = Kindergarten Readiness, Cognitive and Perceptual Skills Test, Direct Assessment, Teacher Report
5. Assessment Result Score Value = minimum score to meet benchmarks
6. Assessment Administration Organization Name = is not null
7. Developmental Evaluation Finding = None or No delay detected
Divide the number of children that meet benchmarks on direct child assessments by the total number of children then multiply by 100.
Disaggregate by Home Language
Use the following CEDS element(s) to disaggregate the final set of students by Home Language:
1. Language Type = Home Language, and
2. ISO 639-3 Language Code is not like English, and/or
3. English Learner Status = Yes
Disaggregate by Race and Ethnicity
Use the following CEDS elements to disaggregate the final set of students by Race and Ethnicity:
1. Filter records where Hispanic or Latino Ethnicity = No
2. Count, by race, where any of the following are true:
a. Race = American Indian or Alaska Native
b. Race = Asian
c. Race = Black or African American
d. Race = Native American or Other Pacific Islander
e. Race = White
f. Race = Demographic Race Two or More Races
g. Race = Race and Ethnicity Unknown
Use the following CEDS element to disaggregate the final set of students by Hispanic or Latino Ethnicity:
1. Filter records where Hispanic or Latino Ethnicity - Yes
Disaggregate by Sex
* Note: CEDS does not have a Gender element. While Sex is not a proxy for Generate, it is the closest approximation currently available.
* Note: Male + Female will not always equal 100% for states that have more choices beyond male and female.
Use the following CEDS elements to disaggregate the final set of students by Sex:
1. Sex = Male, Female, or Not Selected
Disaggregate by Disability Status
A. Determine if there is a disability:
Student with a Disability: A student has a disability if any of the following are true:
1. Disability Status = Yes, No, and
2. IDEA Indicator = Yes, and/or
a. Program Participation Start Date ≤ the school year being reported
b. Program Participation Exit Date ≥ the school year being reported
3. Section 504 Status = Yes
a. Status Start Date ≤ Enrollment Entry Date
b. Status End Date is null or ≥ Enrollment Exit Date
Student Without a Disability: A student does not have a disability if all of the following are true:
1. Disability Status = No, and
2. Primary Disability Type is null, and
3. IDEA Indicator = No, and
4. Section 504 Status = No
B. Count the number of students with a disability and the number of students without a disability.
C. For further analysis, disaggregate the students with a disability:
1. Filter records where IDEA Indicator = Yes
a. Program Participation Start Date ≤ the school year being reported
b. Program Participation Exit Date ≥ the school year being reported
2. Count, by primary disability type, where any of the following are true:
a. Primary Disability Type = Autism
b. Primary Disability Type = Deaf-blindness
c. Primary Disability Type = Deafness
d. Primary Disability Type = Developmental delay
e. Primary Disability Type = Emotional disturbance
f. Primary Disability Type = Hearing impairment
g. Primary Disability Type = Intellectual disability
h. Primary Disability Type = Multiple disabilities
i. Primary Disability Type = Orthopedic impairment
j. Primary Disability Type = Other health impairment
k. Primary Disability Type = Specific learning disability
l. Primary Disability Type = Traumatic brain injury
m. Primary Disability Type = Visual impairment
Disaggregate by Urbanicity
Use the following CEDS elements to disaggregate the final set of students by Urbanicity
*Note: Urbanicity is meant to identify the school's location, not the student's residence.
1. Rural Residency Status = Yes (indicator rural) or No (indicating urban)
Disaggregate by Parental Education Level
Use the following CEDS element to disaggregate the final set of students by Parental Education Level:
1. Highest Level of Education Completed = Determine what the highest level of education completed is for the parents/guardians of the student.
Disaggregate by Student from Migrant Family Household
Use the following CEDS elements to disaggregate the final set of students by migrant status:
1. Migrant Status = Yes, No
2. Program Participation Start Date ≤ the school year being reported
3. Program Participation Exit Date ≥ the school year being reported
Disaggregate by English Learner
Use the following CEDS elements to disaggregate the final set of students by English Learner:
1. English Learner Status = Yes, No
2. Program Participation Start Date ≤ the school year being reported
3. Program Participation Exit Date ≥ the school year being reported
Disaggregate by Attendance Intensity
Use the following CEDS element to disaggregate the final set of students by Attendance Intensity:
1. Early Learning Enrollment Status = Half-day pre-K, Full-day pre-K
Disaggregate by Age Group
Use the following CEDS element to disaggregate the final set of students by Age Group:
1. Birthdate = Age as of October 1 of the school year being reported
Disaggregate by Income Level
Use the following CEDS elements to disaggregate the final set of students by Income Level:
1. Eligibility Status for School Food Service Programs = Free, Full price, Reduced price, Other
2. Low-income Status = Yes, or No
3. Family Income
4. Income Calculation Method = Head Start Calculation or State Specific Calculation
Disaggregate by Individual or Family Military Status
Use the following CEDS elements to disaggregate the final set of students by Individual or Family Military Status:
1. Military Connected Student Indicator = Not Military, Active Duty, National Guard or Reserve, or Unknown
Disaggregate by Individual with Current or Past Child Welfare Involvement
Use the following CEDS elements to disaggregate the final set of students by Individual with Current or Past Child Welfare Involvement:
1. Program Type = 75000 (Foster Care)
2. Student Support Service Type = 00295 (Children's Protective Services)
3. Program Participation Start Date ≤ the school year being reported
4. Program Participation Exit Date ≥ the school year being reported
Disaggregate by Homelessness
Use the following CEDS elements to disaggregate the final set of students by Homelessness:
1. Homelessness Status = Yes, No
2. Status Start Date ≤ the school year being reported
3. Status End Date ≥ the school year being reported