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Eligibility Status for School Food Service Programs


An indication of a student's level of eligibility to participate in the National School Lunch Program for breakfast, lunch, snack, supper, and milk programs.

Option Set
FreeFree is the student's level of eligibility to participate in the National School Lunch Program for breakfast, lunch, snack, supper, and milk programs.Free
Full priceFull price is the student's level of eligibility to participate in the National School Lunch Program for breakfast, lunch, snack, supper, and milk programs.FullPrice
Reduced priceReduced price is the student's level of eligibility to participate in the National School Lunch Program for breakfast, lunch, snack, supper, and milk programs.ReducedPrice
OtherOther is the student's level of eligibility to participate in the National School Lunch Program for breakfast, lunch, snack, supper, and milk programs.Other
Related Domains, Entities and Categories

K12 -> K12 Student -> Economically Disadvantaged (Data Model ID = 65744) 

Related Topics

Early Learning -> Program Quality 

Global ID


Term ID


Element Technical Name


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Common Education Data Standards