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Create an Account Forgot User Name  or Password

First Name


The full legal first name given to a person at birth, baptism, or through legal change.


Alphanumeric - 75 characters maximum

Usage Notes

Workforce Note: To collect data on workforce program participation, a data match will have to be negotiated between state agencies. The data match makes use of name, social security number, gender and ethnicity data.

Related Domains, Entities and Categories

Adult Education -> AE Staff -> Identity -> Name (Data Model ID = 65299) 
Adult Education -> AE Student -> Identity -> Name (Data Model ID = 65298) 
Assessments -> Assessment Result -> Scorer (Data Model ID = 67860) 
Career and Technical -> CTE Staff -> Identity -> Name (Data Model ID = 67550) 
Career and Technical -> CTE Student -> Identity -> Name (Data Model ID = 66857) 
Early Learning -> Early Learning Child -> Identity -> Name (Data Model ID = 64622) 
Early Learning -> Early Learning Organization -> Contact -> Name (Data Model ID = 68477) 
Early Learning -> Early Learning Staff -> Identity -> Name (Data Model ID = 64682) 
Early Learning -> Early Learning Staff -> Professional Development -> Instructor (Data Model ID = 67315) 
Early Learning -> Parent/Guardian -> Identity -> Name (Data Model ID = 65150) 
K12 -> K12 Staff -> Identity -> Name (Data Model ID = 65085) 
K12 -> K12 Staff -> Professional Development -> Instructor (Data Model ID = 68360) 
K12 -> K12 Student -> Identity -> Name (Data Model ID = 65753) 
K12 -> Organization -> Contact -> Name (Data Model ID = 68184) 
K12 -> Parent/Guardian -> Identity -> Name (Data Model ID = 65244) 
K12 -> SEA -> Contact -> Name (Data Model ID = 67046) 
Postsecondary -> Organization -> Contact -> Name (Data Model ID = 68420) 
Postsecondary -> Parent/Guardian -> Identity -> Name (Data Model ID = 67467) 
Postsecondary -> PS Staff -> Identity -> Name (Data Model ID = 66026) 
Postsecondary -> PS Student -> Graduate Student -> Thesis/Dissertation Advisor (Data Model ID = 67858) 
Postsecondary -> PS Student -> Identity -> Name (Data Model ID = 64750) 
Workforce -> Workforce Program Participant -> Identity -> Name (Data Model ID = 66465) 

Related Topics

Early Learning -> Program Quality 

Global ID


Term ID


Element Technical Name


URL    (Email this link)

Common Education Data Standards