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Session Type


A prescribed span of time when an education institution is open, instruction is provided, and students are under the direction and guidance of teachers and/or education institution administration. A session may be interrupted by one or more vacations.

Option Set
Full School YearA regular school term consisting of no major subdivision of time segments. It usually begins in the late summer or early fall and ends in late spring or early summer (e.g., elementary school).FullSchoolYear
IntersessionA short session which occurs between longer sessions.Intersession
Long SessionA session that is longer than a semester but shorter than a full year.LongSession
Mini TermA school term which is shorter than a regular session.MiniTerm
QuarterOne of four equal segments into which a school year is divided.Quarter
QuinmesterOne of five equal segments into which a school year is divided.Quinmester
SemesterOne of two equal segments into which a school year is divided.Semester
Summer TermA school term which takes place in the summer between two regular school terms.SummerTerm
TrimesterOne of three equal segments into which a school year is divided.Trimester
Twelve MonthAn educational program that operates on a full twelve month cycle.TwelveMonth
OtherThe session type is in a category not yet defined in CEDS.Other
Related Domains, Entities and Categories

Adult Education -> Course Section (Data Model ID = 68620) 
Career and Technical -> Course Section (Data Model ID = 66804) 
K12 -> Course Section (Data Model ID = 65017) 
K12 -> K12 School -> Session (Data Model ID = 68244) 

Related Topics

Early Learning -> Program Quality 

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Common Education Data Standards