Description | Definition | Code |
Prerequisite | The destination of the association is required as a prior condition for the origin of the association. | Prerequisite |
Conforms To | The origin of the association conforms to an established standard that the destination defines. | ConformsTo |
Defines | The information at origin of the association provides context or meaning for understanding the destination of the association. | Defines |
Has Format | The destination of the association is substantially the same as the resource at the origin of the association, but in another format. | HasFormat |
Has Part | The destination of the association is included either physically or logically in the resource at the origin of the association. | HasPart |
Has Version | The destination of the association is a version, edition, or adaptation of the resource at the origin of the association. | HasVersion |
Is Assessed By | The destination of the association may be used to assess the origin of the association. | IsAssessedBy |
Is Conformed To | The destination of the association references an established standard to which the origin of the association conforms. | IsConformedTo |
Is Defined By | Context or meaning for understanding the origin of the association is provided by the destination of the association. | IsDefinedBy |
Is Format of | The destination of the association is substantially the same as the resource at the origin of the association, but in another format. | FormatOf |
Is Part Of | The origin of the association is included either physically or logically in the resource at the destination of the association. | IsPartOf |
Is Prerequisite To | The origin of the association is required as a prior condition for the destination of the association. | IsPrerequisiteTo |
Is Referenced By | The origin of the association is cited by the resource at the destination of the association. | ReferencedBy |
Is Replaced By | The origin of the association has been supplanted by, displaced by, or superseded by the destination of the association. | ReplacedBy |
Is Required By | The origin of the association is required by the destination of the association to support its function, delivery, or coherence. | RequiredBy |
Is Taught By | The competency at the origin of the association may be taught by the resource or method at the destination of the association. | IsTaughtBy |
Is Version Of | The origin of the association is a version, edition, or adaptation of the resource at the destination of the association. | VersionOf |
Referenced | The origin of the association cites the resource at the destination of the association. | Referenced |
Assesses | The origin of the association may be used to assess the destination of the association. | Assesses |
Teaches | The resource or method at the origin of the association may be used to teach the competency at the destination of the association. | Teaches |
Requires | The origin of the association requires the destination of the association to support its function, delivery, or coherence. | Requires |
Complexity Level | The point in the framework being referenced defines a level or range that measures the difficulty or challenge presented by the learning resource being described. | ComplexityLevel |
Reading Level | The destination of the association defines a level or range of ability expected for a person using the resource at the origin of the association. | ReadingLevel |
Educational Subject | The destination of the association defines a topic or subject from a controlled vocabulary. | EducationalSubject |
Education Level | The destination of the association defines an education level from a controlled vocabulary. | EducationLevel |
Precedes | The origin of the association comes before the destination of the association in time or order. | Precedes |
Follows | The origin of the association comes after the destination of the association in time or order. | Follows |
Is Concurrent To | The origin of the association is achieved or delivered at the same time, or has the same ordinal position, as the destination of the association. | IsConcurrentTo |