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Competency Association Type

Alternate Name

Learning Standard Item Association Type


Defines the nature of the association between a Competency Definition and an associated data object such as a Learning Resource, an Assessment Item, or even another Competency Definition.

Usage Notes

The Learning Standard Item Association entity defines metadata relationships between a Learning Standard Item and other objects or relationships between Learning Standard Items not otherwise defined in the normal taxonomy of the framework such as for competency-based pathways, relationships between different versions of the same learning standard, and relationships to resources.

For example, "Prerequisite" may indicate that the Associated Learning Standard Item is a Prerequisite of this Learning Standards Item. Another association may specify that a Learning Resource "Teaches" the specified Learning Standard Item, or is aligned to the "Reading Level" specified as part of the Learning Standard Item.

Option Set
PrerequisiteThe destination of the association is required as a prior condition for the origin of the association.Prerequisite
Conforms ToThe origin of the association conforms to an established standard that the destination defines.ConformsTo
DefinesThe information at origin of the association provides context or meaning for understanding the destination of the association.Defines
Has FormatThe destination of the association is substantially the same as the resource at the origin of the association, but in another format.HasFormat
Has PartThe destination of the association is included either physically or logically in the resource at the origin of the association.HasPart
Has VersionThe destination of the association is a version, edition, or adaptation of the resource at the origin of the association.HasVersion
Is Assessed ByThe destination of the association may be used to assess the origin of the association.IsAssessedBy
Is Conformed ToThe destination of the association references an established standard to which the origin of the association conforms.IsConformedTo
Is Defined ByContext or meaning for understanding the origin of the association is provided by the destination of the association.IsDefinedBy
Is Format ofThe destination of the association is substantially the same as the resource at the origin of the association, but in another format.FormatOf
Is Part OfThe origin of the association is included either physically or logically in the resource at the destination of the association.IsPartOf
Is Prerequisite ToThe origin of the association is required as a prior condition for the destination of the association.IsPrerequisiteTo
Is Referenced ByThe origin of the association is cited by the resource at the destination of the association.ReferencedBy
Is Replaced ByThe origin of the association has been supplanted by, displaced by, or superseded by the destination of the association.ReplacedBy
Is Required ByThe origin of the association is required by the destination of the association to support its function, delivery, or coherence.RequiredBy
Is Taught ByThe competency at the origin of the association may be taught by the resource or method at the destination of the association.IsTaughtBy
Is Version OfThe origin of the association is a version, edition, or adaptation of the resource at the destination of the association.VersionOf
ReferencedThe origin of the association cites the resource at the destination of the association.Referenced
AssessesThe origin of the association may be used to assess the destination of the association.Assesses
TeachesThe resource or method at the origin of the association may be used to teach the competency at the destination of the association.Teaches
RequiresThe origin of the association requires the destination of the association to support its function, delivery, or coherence.Requires
Complexity LevelThe point in the framework being referenced defines a level or range that measures the difficulty or challenge presented by the learning resource being described.ComplexityLevel
Reading LevelThe destination of the association defines a level or range of ability expected for a person using the resource at the origin of the association.ReadingLevel
Educational SubjectThe destination of the association defines a topic or subject from a controlled vocabulary.EducationalSubject
Education LevelThe destination of the association defines an education level from a controlled vocabulary.EducationLevel
PrecedesThe origin of the association comes before the destination of the association in time or order.Precedes
FollowsThe origin of the association comes after the destination of the association in time or order.Follows
Is Concurrent ToThe origin of the association is achieved or delivered at the same time, or has the same ordinal position, as the destination of the association.IsConcurrentTo
Related Domains, Entities and Categories

Competencies -> Competency Definition -> Competency Association (Data Model ID = 66320) 
Learning Resources -> Learning Resource (Data Model ID = 67565) 

Related Topics

Early Learning -> Program Quality 

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Common Education Data Standards