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Learning Resource Type


The predominate type or kind characterizing the learning resource.

Usage Notes

A community of SEAs have agreed to use a limited set of Learning Resource Type options when tagging learning resources in shared resource repositories. The options defined for this element align with those common tagging specifications.

Option Set
Alternate AssessmentAn assessment that is used to evaluate the performance of students who are unable to participate in general state assessments even with accommodations.AlternateAssessment
Assessment ItemA specific prompt, that defines a question or protocol for a measurable activity that triggers a response from a person used to determine whether the person has mastered a learning objective.AssessmentItem
CourseA series of units and lessons used to teach the skills and knowledge required by its curriculum.Course
Demonstration/SimulationAn imitation or modeling of a real-world process.DemonstrationSimulation
Educator/Curriculum GuideA document that defines what concepts should be taught and/or how a concept should be taught effectively.EducatorCurriculumGuide
Formative assessmentA process used by teachers and students during instruction that provides feedback to adjust ongoing teaching and learning to improve students’ achievement of intended instructional outcomes. (CCSSO FAST SCASS, 2006)FormativeAssessment
Images/VisualsVisual media, including but not limited to pictures, graphics, diagrams, figures, illustrations, charts, and maps.ImagesVisuals
Interim/Summative AssessmentAn assessment instrument used to evaluate student learning at the end of an instructional unit by comparing it against some standard or benchmark. A learning resource of this type may be an "assessment form," i.e. one instance of the assessment instrument that can equate scores with another instance of the same assessment.InterimSummativeAssessment
Learning ActivityActivities engaged in by the learner for the purpose of acquiring certain skills, concepts, or knowledge, whether guided by an instructor or not. A Lesson may define one or more learning activities.LearningActivity
LessonA detailed description of the course of instruction for a ­short period of time that is used by a teacher to guide class instruction.  A Unit contains one or more lessons.Lesson
Primary SourceAn artifact, document, recording, or other source of information that was created at the time under study and provides first-hand testimony or direct evidence concerning a topic under investigation.PrimarySource
Rubric/Scoring GuideA document or guide that is used to delineate consistent criteria for grading.RubricScoringGuide
Self AssessmentAn assessment in which the user gathers information about and reflects on his or her own knowledge, skills, learning, or attitudes.SelfAssessment
TextThe body of a printed work, to include reading passages.Text
TextbookA book used as a standard source of information on a particular subject.Textbook
UnitA long-range plan of instruction on a particular concept; it contains multiple lessons that are related.Unit
OtherA type of learning resource in a category not yet defined by CEDS. Other
Related Domains, Entities and Categories

Learning Resources -> Learning Resource (Data Model ID = 65387) 

Related Topics

Early Learning -> Program Quality 

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Common Education Data Standards