Description | Definition | Code |
Lecture | Lecture is the primary method of instruction used for the course. | Lecture |
Laboratory | Laboratory is the primary method of instruction used for the course. | Laboratory |
Seminar | Seminar is the primary method of instruction used for the course. | Seminar |
Independent Study | Independent Study is the primary method of instruction used for the course. | IndependentStudy |
Private Study | Private Study is the primary method of instruction used for the course. | PrivateStudy |
Practice Teaching | Practice Teaching is the primary method of instruction used for the course. | PracticeTeaching |
Internship | Internship is the primary method of instruction used for the course. | Internship |
Practicum | Practicum is the primary method of instruction used for the course. | Practicum |
Apprenticeship Externship | Apprenticeship Externship is the primary method of instruction used for the course. | ApprenticeshipExternship |
Applied Instruction | Applied Instruction is the primary method of instruction used for the course. | AppliedInstruction |
Residency | Residency is the primary method of instruction used for the course. | Residency |
Clinical Rotation Instruction | Clinical Rotation Instruction is the primary method of instruction used for the course. | ClinicalRotationInstruction |
Self Paced | Self Paced is the primary method of instruction used for the course. | SelfPaced |
Field Study | Field Study is the primary method of instruction used for the course. | FieldStudy |
Internet Instruction | Internet Instruction is the primary method of instruction used for the course. | InternetInstruction |
Interactive Video | Interactive Video is the primary method of instruction used for the course. | InteractiveVideo |
Videotape | Videotape is the primary method of instruction used for the course. | Videotape |
Television | Television is the primary method of instruction used for the course. | Television |
Other Distance Learning | Other Distance Learning is the primary method of instruction used for the course. | OtherDistanceLearning |
Audiotape | Audiotape is the primary method of instruction used for the course. | Audiotape |
Computer Based Instruction | Computer Based Instruction is the primary method of instruction used for the course. | ComputerBasedInstruction |
Compressed Video | Compressed Video is the primary method of instruction used for the course. | CompressedVideo |
Correspondence | Correspondence is the primary method of instruction used for the course. | Correspondence |
Cooperative Education | Cooperative Education is the primary method of instruction used for the course. | CooperativeEducation |
Work Study | Work Study is the primary method of instruction used for the course. | WorkStudy |