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Building Cleaning Standard Type


The standard for cleanliness, and benchmarks for how much space can be assigned to one properly supplied custodian to meet these standards.

Option Set
Level 1 cleaning`Spotless` cleaning, such as might be found in a hospital or corporate suite. One custodian, properly supplied and equipped, should be able to clean 10,000 square feet in an 8-hour period, depending upon the condition and level of utilization of the facility.02831
Level 2 cleaningIntensive cleaning, reserved for areas such as restrooms, special education areas, kindergarten areas, or food service areas. One custodian, properly supplied and equipped, can clean approximately 11,000-18,000 square feet in an 8-hour period, depending upon the condition and level of utilization of the facility.02832
Level 3 cleaningCleaning required to ensure the health and comfort of building users. One custodian, properly supplied and equipped, should be able to clean 19,000-25,000 square feet of space in 8 hours to this standard, depending upon the condition and utilization of the facility.02833
Level 4 cleaningNot generally acceptable for a school environment. One custodian cleans 26,000-46,000 square feet in an 8-hour period.02834
Level 5 cleaningNot considered healthy. One custodian, even properly supplied and equipped, will not be able to clean 47,000-80,000 square feet in an 8-hour period, to a healthy standard, whatever the underlying condition or utilization of the facility.02835
Related Domains, Entities and Categories

Facilities -> Facility -> Management (Data Model ID = 69109) 

Related Topics

Early Learning -> Program Quality 

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Common Education Data Standards