Description | Definition | Code |
Apprenticeship Certificate | Credential earned through work-based learning and earn-and-learn models that meet standards and are applicable to industry trades and professions. | ApprenticeshipCertificate |
Associate Degree | College/university award for students typically completing the first one to two years of post secondary school education. | AssociateDegree |
Bachelor Degree | College/university award for students typically completing three to five years of education where course work and activities advance skills beyond those of the first one to two years of college/university study. | BachelorDegree |
Badge | Recognition designed to be displayed as a marker of accomplishment, activity, achievement, skill, interest, association, or identity. | Badge |
Certificate | Credential that designates requisite knowledge and skills of an occupation, profession, or academic program. | Certificate |
Certification | Time-limited, revocable, renewable credential awarded by an authoritative body for demonstrating the knowledge, skills, and abilities to perform specific tasks or an occupation. | Certification |
Condition Profile | Entity describing a constraint, prerequisite, entry condition, or requirement. | ConditionProfile |
Credential | Qualification, achievement, personal or organizational quality, or aspect of an identity typically used to indicate suitability. The ceterms:Credential class is broadly defined to encompass credentials used across domains and communities of practice. The class should be used only when speaking of credentials in general. Subclasses of ceterms:Credential as defined by Credential Engine (or other communities) should be used when referencing specific types of credentials. | Credential |
Degree | Academic credential conferred upon completion of a program or course of study, typically over multiple years at a college or university. | Degree |
Digital Badge | Badge offered in digital form. | DigitalBadge |
Diploma | Credential awarded by educational institutions for successful completion of a course of study or its equivalent. | Diploma |
Doctoral Degree | Highest credential award for students who have completed both a bachelor's degree and a master's degree or their equivalent as well as independent research and/or a significant project or paper. | DoctoralDegree |
General Education Development | Credential awarded by examination that demonstrates that an individual has acquired secondary school-level academic skills. | GeneralEducationDevelopment |
Journeyman Certificate | Credential awarded to skilled workers on successful completion of an apprenticeship in industry trades and professions. | JourneymanCertificate |
License | Credential awarded by a government agency that constitutes legal authority to do a specific job and/or utilize a specific item, system or infrastructure and are typically earned through some combination of degree or certificate attainment, certifications, assessments, work experience, and/or fees, and are time-limited and must be renewed periodically. | License |
Master Certificate | Credential awarded upon demonstration through apprenticeship of the highest level of skills and performance in industry trades and professions. | MasterCertificate |
Master Degree | Credential awarded for a graduate level course of study where course work and activities advance skills beyond those of the bachelor's degree or its equivalent. | MasterDegree |
Micro Credential | Credential that addresses a subset of field-specific knowledge, skills, or competencies; often developmental with relationships to other micro-credentials and field credentials. | MicroCredential |
Open Badge | Visual symbol containing verifiable claims in accordance with the Open Badges specification and delivered digitally. | OpenBadge |
Professional Doctorate | Doctoral degree conferred upon completion of a program providing the knowledge and skills for the recognition, credential, or license required for professional practice. | ProfessionalDoctorate |
Quality Assurance Credential | Credential assuring that an organization, program, or awarded credential meets prescribed requirements and may include development and administration of qualifying examinations. | QualityAssuranceCredential |
Research Doctorate | Doctoral degree conferred for advanced work beyond the master level, including the preparation and defense of a thesis or dissertation based on original research, or the planning and execution of an original project demonstrating substantial artistic or scholarly achievement. | ResearchDoctorate |
Secondary School Diploma | Diploma awarded by secondary education institutions for successful completion of a secondary school program of study. | SecondarySchoolDiploma |