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School Identifier


A unique number or alphanumeric code assigned to an institution by a school, school system, a state, or other agency or entity.


Alphanumeric - 40 characters maximum

Usage Notes

CEDS "Identifier" elements reflect the intent of the XSD:Token format, i.e. a string in which carriage return, line feed, and tab characters have been removed as well as any internal sequences of two or more spaces and any leading or trailing spaces.

An Identifier MAY be a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) / Globally Unique Identifier (GUID), i.e.128-bit unique identifiers generated according to the algorithms and encoding standards of RFC 4122.

Related Domains, Entities and Categories

Assessments -> Assessment Administration (Data Model ID = 65590) 
Assessments -> Assessment Registration (Data Model ID = 65588) 
Assessments -> Assessment Session (Data Model ID = 65589) 
Early Learning -> Early Learning Organization -> Identification (Data Model ID = 69818) 
Early Learning -> Early Learning Staff -> Assignment (Data Model ID = 69837) 
K12 -> K12 School -> Identification (Data Model ID = 64825) 
K12 -> K12 Staff -> Assignment (Data Model ID = 65094) 
K12 -> K12 Student -> Enrollment (Data Model ID = 65774) 
Postsecondary -> PS Institution -> Identification (Data Model ID = 69592) 
Postsecondary -> PS Student -> K12 Transcript (Data Model ID = 64759) 

Related Topics

Early Learning -> Program Quality 

Global ID


Term ID


Element Technical Name


URL    (Email this link)

Common Education Data Standards