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CEDS Extend

To facilitate the growing demand for the incorporation of data definitions from other efforts that have not yet been adopted into CEDS but are relevant to specific data systems and education data discussions, the CEDS website has expanded to include a repository of metadata from other efforts. This initial effort includes merging the elements of the NCES Handbooks into Extend, a searchable database of elements.

This repository includes the elements of several other standard and interoperability efforts including:

  • NCES Handbooks/Forum
  • SIF 3.2 (and elements added in SIF 3.3)
  • PESC High school Transcript
  • PESC College Transcript
  • PESC NSLDS Enrollment Reporting
  • PESC Admissions Applications
  • Ed-Fi 2.0

How to find Extend Elements:

  • Element Search Tool: When searching and viewing CEDS elements by name users may choose to "Search Extend Elements" to expand your search to include the Extend elements.
  • Domain Entity Schema: When using the drill down function of the Domain Entity Schema users may choose "Extend Your Search" to see the Extend elements.
  • Downloads: Users may choose "Include Extend Elements in Download" when using the new Excel dynamic download tool.
Common Education Data Standards