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The CEDS Initiative
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The CEDS Initiative

Select a CEDS resource on the right side of the image below to explore how you can use that resource, or select a role on the left side of the image to explore how best to use CEDS for that role’s needs.

Researcher infographic
It Developers Data Stewards Researchers CEDSCoordinators Policymakes and Practioners Community Data Model Elements Align Connect MyConnect


I want to...
  • Map my data sources to CEDS. Build a map within Align by uploading or inputting your data dictionary. For information on how to get started, review the Mapping Toolkit.
  • Build a data dictionary. Review the CEDS resources on how to build a data dictionary.
  • Explore what others have done. Explore how others have used Align:
    • Run map-based reports to view maps that others have created
    • Run element-based reports using the CEDS elements I am interested in to find maps related to those elements
    • Access white papers, briefs, and other resources describing how others have used Align
  • Learn how to use Align. Review the Align tutorial modules to learn how to use Align.
  • Request a demo.
  • Get started using Align.


I want to...
  • Make an analysis plan for my research or policy question. Use Connect to define the elements, selection criteria, and computation necessary for analysis.
  • Explore the questions available in Connect. CEDS offers three ways to explore available questions (Connections):
    • Find existing Connections via keywords or by exploring topical categories
    • Run reports based on Connections that others have created
    • Run reports based on the CEDS elements I am interested in to see the Connections that contain those elements
  • Explore how others have used Connect to help with their work.
    • Access white papers, briefs, and other resources describing how others have used Connect
  • Learn how to use Connect. Review the Connect tutorial modules to learn how to use Connect.
  • Request a demo.
  • Get started using Connect.


I want to...
  • Explore the CEDS standard. CEDS offers three ways to explore the education data standard:
  • Find definitions or option sets for particular elements. Search for elements alphabetically or by keyword via the CEDS Elements search feature.
  • Ask a question or comment about the data element and/or its details. To propose changes to a data element and/or its details submit a ticket to the OSC Element Repository. For assistance with elements, contact us at

Data Model

I want to...
  • Get an overview of the CEDS Data Model. Find out about the data models available in CEDS.
  • Learn more about the CEDS Domains and Entities. Learn what each domain and entity means as it is defined by CEDS.
  • Learn more about the Integrated Data Store. Explore what the Integrated Data Store (IDS) contains or download the IDS script available for users.
  • Learn more about the CEDS Ontology. Find out how the CEDS Ontology defines the relationships between elements.

CEDS Community

I want to...
  • Join the CEDS Open Source Community (OSC) to collaborate with others to influence and drive what happens inside CEDS.
  • Influence the CEDS standard. CEDS supports an Open Source Community (OSC) where collaborators can submit a use case, form or join a workgroup. Find out more at Governance and Process.
  • Join a CEDS Workgroup. CEDS hosts both collaborator-led and CEDS-led workgroup meetings each month.
  • Check out our CEDS Events calendar to attend a meeting. If you do not see a meeting that covers a topic of your interest, reach out to us at and we can help you get started with the CEDS Community.


I want to...
  • Learn how to use myConnect. Review the myConnect tutorial (Connect Module 5) to learn how to use myConnect.
  • Determine if my maps have the elements needed to address a Connection I’m interested in replicating. Find existing Connections, then run myConnect and select your maps to determine what elements you already collect or would need to collect to replicate the Connection.
Common Education Data Standards