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Course Credit Units


The type of credit (unit, semester, or quarter) associated with the credit hours earned for the course.

Option Set
No CreditNo Credit is specified as the type of credit associated with the credit hours earned for the course.NoCredit
Quarter Quarter is specified as the type of credit associated with the credit hours earned for the course.Quarter
Semester Semester is specified as the type of credit associated with the credit hours earned for the course.Semester
Units Units is specified as the type of credit associated with the credit hours earned for the course.Units
Carnegie Units Carnegie Units is specified as the type of credit associated with the credit hours earned for the course.CarnegieUnits
Continuing Education Units Continuing Education Units is specified as the type of credit associated with the credit hours earned for the course.ContinuingEducationUnits
Clock Hours Clock Hours is specified as the type of credit associated with the credit hours earned for the course.ClockHours
OtherOther is specified as the type of credit associated with the credit hours earned for the course.Other
UnreportedUnreported is specified as the type of credit associated with the credit hours earned for the course.Unreported
Related Domains, Entities and Categories

Adult Education -> Course Section -> Course (Data Model ID = 68602) 
Career and Technical -> Course (Data Model ID = 66780) 
Career and Technical -> Course Section -> Course (Data Model ID = 68514) 
Early Learning -> Early Learning Staff -> Professional Development (Data Model ID = 65729) 
K12 -> K12 Course (Data Model ID = 65718) 
Postsecondary -> Course Section -> Course (Data Model ID = 65161) 
Postsecondary -> PS Staff -> Professional Development (Data Model ID = 69621) 

Related Topics

Early Learning -> Program Quality 

Global ID


Term ID


Element Technical Name


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Common Education Data Standards