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Assessment Early Learning Developmental Domain


Developmental domains related to early learning and used for assessing a child's kindergarten readiness.

Usage Notes

Used by states in reporting Kindergarten Entry Assessment (KEA) results as defined for some federal grant programs.

For each domain used by the state, the state would provide:
- The total number of children who participated in the KEA for each domain
- The number of children who participated in the KEA for each domain AND was at or above what the state defines as “ready” for kindergarten for that domain.

The counts may be calculated using unit-level data defined for Assessment Subtest (scoring method and what is being measured, e.g. the Domain), related Assessment Performance Levels (e.g. "Ready"), related to each student Assessment Result.

Option Set
Language and LiteracyDomain related to a child's language and literacy development.01
Cognition and General KnowledgeDomain related to a child's cognition and general knowledge (including early mathematics and early scientific development).02
Approaches Toward LearningDomain related to a child's approaches toward learning (including the utilization of the arts).03
Physical Well-being and MotorDomain related to a child's physical well-being and motor development (including adaptive skills).04
Social and Emotional DevelopmentDomain related to a child's social and emotional development.05
Related Domains, Entities and Categories

Assessments -> Assessment (Data Model ID = 65509) 
Assessments -> Assessment Subtest (Data Model ID = 68304) 
Early Learning -> Early Learning Child -> Developmental Assessments (Data Model ID = 65419) 

Related Topics

Early Learning -> Program Quality 

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Common Education Data Standards